ofxTrueTypeFontUC + oF systemSpeak “Kyoko” test
#pragma once #include "ofMain.h" #include "ofxTrueTypeFontUC.h" // https://github.com/hironishihara/ofxTrueTypeFontUC // --------------------------------------------- class testApp : public ofBaseApp, public ofThread { public: void setup(); void draw(); void exit(); void threadedFunction(); ofxTrueTypeFontUC font; vector <string> words; int step; string voice; };
#include "testApp.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup() { font.loadFont("ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W3.otf", 34); //日本語対応フォントを ./bin/data下に voice = "Kyoko"; //http://veadardiary.blog29.fc2.com/blog-entry-3854.html参照 // load the lyrics from a text file and split them // up in to a vector of strings string lyrics = ofBufferFromFile("lyrics.txt").getText(); //適当な文章を。区切りたいところに半角スペースを入れる step = 0; words = ofSplitString(lyrics, " "); // we are running the systems commands // in a sperate thread so that it does // not block the drawing startThread(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::threadedFunction() { while (isThreadRunning()) { // call the system command say #ifdef TARGET_OSX string cmd = "say -v "+voice+" "+words[step]+" "; // create the command system(cmd.c_str()); #endif #ifdef TARGET_WIN32 string cmd = "data\\SayStatic.exe "+words[step]; // create the command cout << cmd << endl; system(cmd.c_str()); #endif // step to the next word step ++; step %= words.size(); // slowdown boy ofSleepMillis(10); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw() { // center the word on the screen float x = (ofGetWidth() - font.stringWidth(words[step])) / 2; float y = ofGetHeight() / 2; // draw the word ofSetColor(0); font.drawString(words[step], x, y); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::exit() { // stop the thread on exit waitForThread(true); }
Benny Benassi – Satisfaction
09/03 17:19